Welcome to
the ORGANO Tea Room
A Tea for Every Occasion
Summer Time
What You’ll Need
/ 4 bags ORGANO™ Organic Green Tea
/ 1 cup hot water
/ 8-10 ice cubes
/ 4 lemon slices
/ 8 mint leaves
/ ½ cup sparkling water
/ Honey to taste
How to Make
/ Place tea bags and lemon slices in hot water and steep for 10 minutes.
/ Remove the tea bags, pour the sparkling water and ice into your tea.
/ Pour mixture into two glasses, garnish with mint leaves and add honey to taste.
What You’ll Need
/ 2 bags ORGANO™ Red Tea
/ 1 cup hot water
/ 10 ice cubes
/ 8 mint leaves
/ ⅓ cup mixed berries
/ ½ cup ginger soda
How to Make
/ Place tea bags in hot water and steep for 10 minutes.
/ Remove bags and add mixed berries, mint, ice, and ginger soda.
/ Stir mix and pour into two glasses.
Winter Time
What You’ll Need
/ 1 cup water
/ 2 sachets ORGANO Organic Green Tea
/ 1 bunch fresh mint
/ 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
/ ¼ cup lime juice
How to Make
/ Steep the two ORGANO Organic Green Tea sachets and the mint for 3 minutes in one cup of hot water.
/ Remove the sachets and the mint and stir in the granulated sugar and the lime juice.
Empty the content of your ORGANO™ Tea sachets and create some loose tea with a flavorful twist.
What You’ll Need
/ 1 ORGANO™ Green Tea bag
/ ½ cup Boiled Water
/ Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper
/ 2 tbsp. of Red Onion, minced very finely
/ 1 tsp. honey
/ ½ tsp Dijon mustard
/ 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
/ ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
/ 2 tbsp chopped herbs (oregano and fresh parsley)